Amanita Gummies: A New Way to Experience the Magic of Amanita Muscaria


Amanita muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric, has been used for centuries in shamanic and traditional medicine practices. While the plant has a long history of use, consuming the raw mushroom can be risky due to its psychoactive properties. Recently, a new product has entered the market that provides a safer and more convenient way to experience the benefits of amanita muscaria: Amanita Gummies.

What are Amanita Gummies?

Amanita Gummies are a new type of edible that contain a concentrated extract of amanita muscaria. The extract is derived from the caps of the mushroom and is mixed with a sweetener and gelling agent to create a tasty, easy-to-dose gummy. The gummies are designed to provide a consistent and safe experience, and are a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of amanita muscaria.

Benefits of Amanita Gummies

Amanita Gummies provide many of the same benefits as consuming raw amanita muscaria, including mood enhancement, stress reduction, and relaxation. However, there are several advantages to consuming Amanita Gummies instead of the raw mushroom.

First, Amanita Gummies provide a consistent dose. The concentrated extract used in the gummies allows for precise dosing, making it easier to control the intensity of the experience. This is especially important for those new to the plant, who may not be familiar with the effects and dosage.

Second, Amanita Gummies are safer than consuming raw amanita muscaria. The psychoactive compounds in the mushroom are concentrated in the caps, and eating the raw mushroom can result in unpredictable effects. Amanita Gummies, on the other hand, use a carefully measured amount of extract, ensuring a safe and predictable experience.

Finally, Amanita Gummies are convenient and easy to consume. Unlike raw amanita muscaria, which can have a bitter taste and can be difficult to prepare, Amanita Gummies are tasty and ready to consume right out of the package. They are also discreet, making them a great option for those who prefer not to smoke or use other methods of ingestion.


While Amanita Gummies are a safe and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of amanita muscaria, it is important to use them responsibly. As with any psychoactive substance, it is important to start with a low dose and to be aware of the potential effects. Amanita Gummies should not be used by those with a history of mental health problems or by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Amanita Gummies provide a safe and convenient way to experience the benefits of amanita muscaria. The concentrated extract used in the gummies allows for precise dosing, making it easier to control the intensity of the experience. Amanita Gummies are also safer than consuming raw amanita muscaria and are a convenient and discreet way to enjoy the plant. While Amanita Gummies are a great way to experience the benefits of amanita muscaria, it is important to use them responsibly and to be aware of the potential effects.

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