The Shamanic Use of Amanita muscaria: History, Myths, and Practices

Amanita muscaria, also known as fly agaric, is a mushroom that has a long history of use in shamanic practices across various cultures. This distinctive red-capped mushroom is known for its psychoactive effects, which include feelings of euphoria, altered perception, and spiritual experiences.

History and Myths

The use of Amanita muscaria in shamanic practices dates back to ancient times. It was used by various cultures, including the Sami people of northern Europe and the Siberian tribes. In these cultures, Amanita muscaria was seen as a sacred plant with mystical powers. It was used in spiritual ceremonies and was believed to help shamans communicate with the spirit world.

In some cultures, Amanita muscaria was associated with the god of thunder, Thor. The mushroom's distinctive red cap and white spots were said to symbolize the lightning and thunderbolts associated with the god. In other cultures, it was believed that the mushroom grew from the blood or urine of the gods, further cementing its association with the divine.


In shamanic practices, Amanita muscaria was often used in a ceremonial context. Shamans would ingest the mushroom in various ways, including eating it directly or drinking a decoction made from the mushroom. The effects of the mushroom would often take several hours to manifest, and shamans would use this time to enter a meditative state and connect with the spirit world.

The psychoactive effects of Amanita muscaria are varied and can include hallucinations, altered perception, and feelings of euphoria. The mushroom's effects can also be unpredictable, and shamans would often work with an experienced guide to help them navigate their experiences.

In addition to its psychoactive effects, Amanita muscaria was also believed to have medicinal properties. It was used to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, fever, and fatigue. The mushroom was often used in combination with other plants and herbs to create healing remedies.


The shamanic use of Amanita muscaria has a long and rich history in various cultures. It has been used for its psychoactive effects and spiritual properties, as well as for its potential medicinal benefits. While the use of Amanita muscaria has declined in modern times, it remains a fascinating plant with a rich cultural history. It is important to note, however, that Amanita muscaria can be toxic if not prepared properly and should only be used under the guidance of an experienced shaman or herbalist. As with any herbal supplement, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before use, particularly if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions.