What Ancient Egyptians Thought About The Blue Lotus
Human History With Plants
For millennia, plants have been valued for their medicinal properties, subtly aiding us in our own evolution as we have sought to understand the potential of these powerful allies.
Humans have an ancient connection to plants, one which has been lost in the hustle and bustle of our modern world but which still pulsates within us, waiting to be remembered.
As we delve into the depths of plant medicine, we discover the hidden knowledge that has been locked away in the hearts and minds of our ancestors, and we are reminded of the ancient and profound relationship between plants and humans.
We recognize that the world of plant medicine is a vast and mysterious one, offering us access to realms of consciousness far beyond our own, as well as providing us with natural remedies for restoring balance and well-being.

What Is The Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus, or Nymphaea caerulea, is a venerated plant that has been held in high esteem by many ancient cultures and civilizations from Egypt to Ancient Greece, Tibet, and beyond. This lily of the Nile is a water lily with beautiful blooms that open each morning as the sun rises and close at sunset, descending back into the water until its renewal the following year.
The Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile is prized for its exquisite beauty, its intoxicating aroma, and its alluring ability to induce a state of euphoria.
It is an iconic flower that has been celebrated for centuries, and its captivating properties continue to infatuate many today.
What Ancient Egyptians Thought About The Blue Lotus
The Blue Lotus was an especially cherished plant in Ancient Egyptian culture, with many uses in the realm of medicine, magic, ritual, and celebration. Its image is seen throughout Ancient Egyptian Temples and written works, making it a symbol of the Ancient Egyptians' deep understanding of the nature of life and creation. This reverence for the natural world was reflected in their culture and was found in all aspects of their lives, from the animals to the plants and everything in between.
The Ancient Egyptians had many traditional applications of the Blue Lotus, which they believed could connect them to the Divine and induce higher states of consciousness.
Steeping the flowers of Blue Lotus in wine was a commonly practiced ritual during religious ceremonies, celebrations, and rituals.
The effects of Blue Lotus were said to be euphoric, helping to promote relaxation and improve circulation, making it a powerful aphrodisiac. As the Ancient Egyptians were known for having a strong appreciation for sexuality, it is no wonder that Blue Lotus was a central symbol in these famous celebrations.
Depictions of women with Blue Lotus and mandrake fruit were often seen in love poems from the Old and New Kingdoms, emphasizing the connection between female sexuality and Blue Lotus. Blue Lotus was also widely used in ceremonies to help individuals reach a higher state of being and consciousness, allowing them to fully enjoy the beauty of life.
The Blue Lotus is a flower that is steeped in symbolism, with connections to creation, rebirth, death, and the sun. It is said that, like other water lilies, the Blue Lotus emerges from the murky primordial waters of Nun once a year to bloom for only three days, rising with the sun and retreating back into the waters as it sets. This is a powerful connection to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that creation came from the waters of Nun. It was no surprise that the Blue Lotus was the most sacred plant medicine to the Ancient Egyptians, as it was connected to the creation of life itself. This connection runs even deeper with the god Nefertem, who is strongly associated with the Blue Lotus and is said to have emerged from the primordial waters in the lily itself.
The sacred lily also has a strong connection to the goddess Hathor, the goddess of love, healing, and intoxication. She was said to provide a doorway to other worlds through intoxication and spiritual experiences. The lily is also linked to symbols of death and rebirth, and the concept of divine inebriation or drunkenness was highly esteemed in ancient times.
From Ancient Greece to Ancient Egypt, there is evidence that entheogenic plants and brews were an essential part of these cultures and were used to connect with the divine. This practice has been seen all around the world, and it appears to have played an important role in the advancement of consciousness.
Blue Lotus, mentioned in "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" as "the lily which shines in the earth," is often used in ceremonies after death as a vessel for ascension and rebirth. There is also a variation of the mythology of Horus in which the flower symbolizes the "all-seeing eye," as Seth plucks out Horus' eye and buries it in the sand only to be transformed into a lily. This water lily is seen as a gateway to the heavens, guiding the soul to its destination.

Effects of the Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus, when taken in lower doses, is known to have calming and relaxing effects on the nervous system. It is also a potent antispasmodic, allowing tight and tense muscles to loosen up, thereby allowing energy to flow more freely throughout the body.
Blue Lotus has a bitter and cooling energy, and its effects are attributed to two alkaloids: apomorphine and nuciferine. Apomorphine is a nonselective dopamine agonist which activates serotonin and alpha-adrenergic receptors and has been used as a sedative and hypnotic to treat conditions such as insomnia and anxiety since the 19th century. It has also been shown to improve motor function and is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Nuciferine, on the other hand, is associated with dopamine receptor blockade and has been studied for its potential as an antipsychotic drug. It has also been studied for its potential as a vasodilator which relaxes blood vessels and arteries, making it useful for treating vascular diseases. Because of its calming and relaxing effects, Blue Lotus has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. It helps to relax the mind and body, allowing vitality to flow more freely and inducing a mildly euphoric state which can aid in deepening intimacy and connection.
Comparing The Blue Lotus Vs. Blue Lily
The Nymphaea Caerulea has many names, including the Egyptian "blue lotus," blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, blue Egyptian water lily, sacred blue lily, and blue lily of the Nile. While it is commonly referred to as a blue lotus, it is actually a water lily from the Nymphaea genus, not a lotus flower. This blog covers the various aspects of this unique flower.
What is the difference between Water Lotus and Water Lilies? Both of these plants are distinct from one another and have different effects. However, they do share one active chemical ingredient - the alkaloid Nuciferine. In terms of consumption, the Egyptian "blue lotus" Nymphaea Caerulea is known to have more potent effects. Why is it so expensive? Well, it takes a whopping 1 tonne of Blue Lotus flowers to create 1 kilo of oil. This is due to the fact that it is a rare and endangered plant that requires perfect conditions to prosper. The blooms are grown naturally, hand-picked, and sun-dried without any added dyes or chemicals.

Benefits Of Blue Lotus
The Nymphaea Caerulea plant contains two compounds, Aporphine and Nuciferine, that have been linked to certain therapeutic benefits. Aporphine is a dopamine agonist, meaning it can induce a state of happiness and euphoria, and it also has the potential to improve muscle control in those with conditions like Parkinson's disease. Nuciferine, on the other hand, has been suggested to act as an antipsychotic drug, helping to reduce stress levels, though the exact mechanism of action is still being studied.
Additionally, it has been demonstrated to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction.
Blue Lotus has been utilized to help promote a sense of calm, reduce anxiety, and induce sleep. Additionally, it has been known to be used as an aphrodisiac and to assist in lucid dreaming, as well as increasing consciousness. The therapeutic qualities of Blue Lotus essential oil may be beneficial in providing a mild, natural 'high' and further elevating one's awareness. Despite the benefits, it is recommended not to use Blue Lotus if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a child or infant. Additionally, if you are taking any medications, please consult your doctor prior to using Blue Lotus, as there are potential contraindications.
Conclusion on The Blue Lotus Plant
The Blue Lotus Flower is a truly remarkable plant that offers a variety of amazing benefits. From providing stress relief and relaxation to improving mental clarity and focus, this flower can be a great addition to anyone's natural health regimen. Not only is it an excellent source of antioxidants, but it also contains numerous vitamins and minerals that can help promote overall health and wellness. With its abundance of medicinal properties and calming effects, the Blue Lotus Flower is a powerful tool for improving physical, mental, and emotional health.